“We present Fiame as a Servant of Samoa” Tupuola Koki Tuala of Lotofaga
“Today is the First Step, Tomorrow is another one and 9 April will be the final step.”
By Lagi Keresoma
APIA, SAMOA – 08 MARCH 2021: The district of Lotofaga officially presented the former Deputy Prime Minister, Fiamē Naomi Mata’afa to the Fa’atuatua i le Atua Samoa ua Tasi – FAST Party in an elaborate ceremony this afternoon.
Fiamē who served the Human Rights Protection Party – HRPP since 1985, resigned in September last year on a matter of principle when she could no longer support the party’s policies.
Today’s presentation was a long time coming as she waited out the dissolution of Parliament which happened last Wednesday so she can join the FAST Party.
In accepting her Ava in this morning’s ceremony, she said “since La’auli planted the seed of the party in his constituency, the Love and Spirit of God has been evident in how the party has grown in various constituencies. “Today is one achievement, tomorrow will be another one and 9 April will be the final step.”
Fiamē was referring to her becoming an official member of the FAST Party as the first step, tomorrow 9 March is the election of the Party’s leader and the final step is the day of the election on 9 April.
She acknowledged the FAST Chairman, La’aulialemalietoa Leuatea Polata’ivao’s perseverance in establishing and developing the party “that has grown in various constituencies and have formed our family with candidates who have offered to contest the elections with the purpose to restore Samoa to what our forbearers prepared for us.”
“Ua tupu ma ola le fa’amoemoe i lea itumalo ma lea itumalo e pei ona afifio mai le tatou aiga, o sui ua ofoina o latou soifua aua le finauina o le faiga palota, aemaise le agaga ia toe fa’afo’i le atunu’u i le mea na tapenaina e o tatou tua’a.”
Speaking on behalf of the constituency in presenting Fiamē to the FAST party was the high chief Tupuola Koki Tuala.
“We present Fiamē not as Sa’ofa’apito but as a servant of Samoa,” said Tupuola.
Tupuola Koki Tuala speaking on behalf of Lotofaga in presenting Fiamē to the FAST Party.
“Fiamē ua uma na fai tatou upu, e te le afio atu ona o lou suafa, ae o le auauna a Samoa.”
Tupuola also cautioned Fiamē “not to be easily swayed by worldly materials because not everything that glitters is gold, but to carry the cross of sacrifice as that carried by Jesus.”
With his final words, Tupuola let Fiamē go and join the FAST Party and she was escorted by former MPs Olo Fiti Vaai and Leatinuu Wayne Sooialo to the party member’s side.
Fiamē officially with the FAST Party candidates.
La’auli as party Chairman, acknowledged Lotofaga’s stance and support for FAST and especially in keeping calm despite what had been going on in parliament.
He reiterated Fiamē’s words of returning Samoa to its foundation of being founded on God.
Then the cultural presentations were made by the district to the Party and the FAST Party also reciprocated in the same manner fitting the status of the ceremony.
Other than the Lotofaga district and Fiamē’s family, a group of female supporters as the “Friends of Fiamē” also made a separate presentation in honour of the iconic politician who is unopposed in the upcoming general election.
A group of women supporters – Friends of Fiamē.
The three hour long ceremony was held at the Maota Samoa function centre at Vaitele that started with a church service led by Reverend Letaulau Mata’afā of the EFKS from Nu’u, followed by a welcoming Ava ceremony and traditional speeches and cultural presentations of gifts in fine mats, food and money.
The Aumaga a La’auli of Faleata district performed the Ava Ceremony and provided the guard befitting the status of such a cultural event.
Laauli & Aumaga who prepared the Ava Ceremony.