
“Bizarre” Fiamē says of the Caretaker Prime Minister’s statement



Police security check yesterday morning at the main gate to the Head of States official residence at Vailele.

“Creating an impression of unrest where none exists, is both mischievous and potentially disruptive, and needs to stop immediately.” – Fiame Naomi Mata’afa

APIA, SAMOA – 19 MAY 2021: FAST Party Leader, Fiamē Naomi Mata’afa has called a press statement by the Caretaker Prime Minister yesterday morning as bizzare, when Tuilaepa called for calm and peace half an hour after the Head of State’s village came to his residence in Vailele to offer him their support and respect.

Describing it as a curious incident, Fiame said that very honourable and commonplace visit was miscalled by creating an impression of unrest.

“There is no change to the peace and harmony which we have always enjoyed in this country at this time, and there is no reason to create one by miscalling a courtesy visit by the Head of State’s district,” Fiamē said in a live televised statement last night.

“Leaders must always act in the best interests and for the welfare of their people. Creating an impression of unrest where none exists, is both mischievous and potentially disruptive, and needs to stop immediately.”

Fiame Naomi Mata’afa in a live media statement last night.

Half an hour after the Head of States village of Matautu, Falelatai arrived at his residence, Tuilaepa issued a live statement saying police had informed him of the villages concern about the Head of States safety.

He referred to the rude statements made on social media about the Head of State that risks his safety.

He also referred to the political instability saying this happened only six months ago and it is something unusual to the country.

He called on his HRPP party’s supporters to remain calm and to keep the peace and asked them to refrain from holding public marches to show support for the party.

Head of State agreed to convene Parliament
Fiamē continued in her public statement that:
“On a more positive note, I am pleased to advise that the Deputy Leader, La’auli Leuatea and I met this afternoon with His Highness the Head of State, who has agreed to convene Parliament, and we have respectfully requested that this take place on Friday 21st May so that the votes cast by all of you on 9 April 2021 (now almost 6 weeks ago), can be finally brought to their ultimate conclusion by the swearing in of the Members of Parliament whom you wish to lead this country for the next five years.

“I am grateful to the Head of State for acknowledging the critical role of Parliament and the need to bring together those who have been elected in order to form Government and get on with the role of governing this country.

“There is also a Greek proverb that says… ‘A society grows when old men and women plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in….

“The arrangements we are making now, and the cases which we have fought, will benefit the future of this nation and our children, so they may enjoy the fruits of a strong fair and just democracy built upon God, in whom we trust,” her statement ended.

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