
Stranded in India for 2 years – 67 year old Samoan father relieved to be back home



Tafilipepe Fineaso Aimaasu with a relative in Nadi before flying back to Samoa .

By Talaia Mika

APIA, SAMOA – 21 MARCH 2022: A sixty-seven year old Samoan father of four who had been stranded in India for over two years, is finally back home.

He was among the fifty six (56) passengers who arrived from Fiji on FJ251 last Friday on a flight approved by Cabinet earlier this year.

Tafilipepe Fineaso Aimaasu travelled to India for his late wife’s medical treatment under the government medical scheme on 4 January 2020.

Tafilipepe’s son, Solomona Ralph Aimaasu told Talamua that his parents were meant to return home together with the other Samoans who were under the same medical scheme and have all back in Samoa since.

However, his mother had a second attack and they stayed behind for further treatment and she sadly passed away following surgery in March 2021.

Tafilipepe is a father of four from Magiagi village. He is finally back in Samoa with his wife’s ashes and all eager to get home to his children and family after being away for so long.

When he landed in Nadi, Fiji last Monday, he rang his son in Apia. “He was relieved when he landed in Fiji knowing that he’ll be home anytime soon,” his son said.

After all, he had been living alone in New Delhi, India away from his family especially in a country highly infected by the Covid-19 virus.

However, that all changed when he touched down at Faleolo international airport last Friday.

He is now in quarantine and very much looking to going back to his children and family after living under the restrictive Covid-19 pandemic conditions for two years.

Other passengers on the same fight from Nadi, Fiji included scholarship students who have completed their awards, transiting seafarers from Europe, and other expatriates who work in Samoa.

All passengers upon arrival at Faleolo undertook their first test and results returned negative. Passengers are currently in quarantine and will undertake second tests today Monday, 21 March 2022.

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