Young lawyer Romero Papali’i admitted to the Samoa Bar
By Lagi Keresoma
APIA, SAMOA – 12 JULY 2023: Twenty two year old Romero Viane Papali’i is the latest addition to the Samoa legal bar after he was sworn in as an officer of the court by His Honour the Chief Justice, Satiu Simativa Perese at a brief ceremony today.
“You are now an officer of this Court and what you make of yourself as a lawyer no longer depends on your law degree but what you do with the talents God has given you,” said Chief Justice Perese.
As part of the eligibility criteria to the bar, Chief Justice Perese said Papalii is duly qualified, is of good character and a proper person to be admitted as a barrister and solicitor of the Court.
He however cautioned Romero that whichever path he chooses in his legal journey, he must tread humbly because his talent is a gift from God.
He also pointed out that the Court defines him as a lawyer, but the path he may choose whether he will become a lawyer to earn wealth and fortune, a social justice advocate or an environmental champion, a true accomplished lawyer requires commitment, perseverance and good character.
“Should you decide to practise in the bar, you will find life very demanding especially if you are sought after for your skills,” he said.
He warned him of the long hours and may not have Saturdays or Sundays off or even required to work while on a family picnic.
“When you get to this stage, you need to be careful and value your life and look after your health,” said Chief Justice Perese.
Romero Viane Papalii with his parents and siblings.
Lawyers are admired and as you practise law, you will come to learn more about yourself and you will come to understand the challenges confronting other people.
His Honour emphasized the importance of being elected and that lawyers are not just officers of the court or owe special duties to the court but to their clients too.
“You will become privileged to your client’s personal information that you will take with you to your grave. You will handle significant sums of money for clients and place in a special relationship of trust that only you will know and at that time, you must remember the oath you took,” said His Honour.
He then asked Romero to uphold the highest ethical stance when dealing with people seeking advice and his service.
Romero graduated from Waikato University in New Zealand with a Masters in Law-First Class Honours and is currently working as a Legal and Policy Analyst for the Tokelau Government.
He is the eldest son of District Court Judge, Alalatoa Rosella Viane Papalii.
Justice Leiataualesd Daryl Clarke, His Honour Chief Justice Satiu Simativa Perese, Romero Viane Papalii, Alaiasa Swartz, Judge Alalatoa Rosella Papalii & Justice Fepuleai Ameperosa Roma.
Judge wants son to carve his own legal path
His Honour acknowledged the presence of Judge Papali’i during the ceremony no doubt her gratitude as a mother and as a member of the Samoa Judiciary to see her son being sworn in.
“I trust and pray that seeing your mother sitting at the bench inspires you to work hard in your career as a lawyer,” said Chief Justice Perese.
Judge Papali’i was grateful to His Honour for the ceremony, her fellow Judges who attended and family for the support.
“I am grateful to my family, husband and children for the support and prayers for my son and I also like to thank the Samoa Law Society for their support and Diana Roma who prepared the application to the Court,” said Judge Papali’i.
Asked about the expectation from his son, Judge Papalii said he just had to be himself.
“I want him to be him and carve his own path and to remain humble,” said Judge Alalatoa.
She also acknowledged the Samoa Law Society without their endorsement, the ceremony would not have happen.