
Regulator Permanently Ceases Roll-out of Smart Meters



By Lagi Keresoma/

Apia, SAMOA – 23 May 2024- The Regulator, Lematua Gisa Fuatai Purcell has permanently ceased the installation of smart meters in households and is also warning the public not to allow anyone to install such metes in their homes.

“There are so many complaints and issues on smart meters and we have given the Electric Power Corporation a list of things we need an explanation on but have not received responses yet,” said Lematua.

The also Regulator issued a public notice two weeks ago inform the public of the order against the installation of any more smart meters in households.

The EPC outsourced the installation of smart meters to private companies and Lematua is warning the public to stay alert when these contractors come around.

A family in Apia let the contractors install a smart meter in their home because they were told it was the Government’s decision.

Businesses were also given no option and forced to use smart meters otherwise would not be able to top up their electricity units using previously installed pre-paid cashpower meters.

Leamatua said that was what the contractor did in the past.

“They just turned up at homes and installed smart meter machines,” she said.

Smart meters were introduced by the HRPP Government with the push towards using online connectivity to top up without the consumer having to go to physically buy from an outlet.

When the FAST Government came in, the Minister for EPC Olo Fiti Vaai informed Parliament that the smart meter roll-out program was suspended as per order by the Regulator in December 2021.

He said at that time, EPC was waiting for a response from the American company that owned the software so issues raised by consumers relating to smart meters could be addressed.

One of the main complaints was the lack of transparency in the amount of units obtained against what the consumers paid. Olo believed EPC rushed into initiating the transition from cash power to smart meters without following the Standard Operating Procedures.

The Regulator has now permanently ceased the installation of new smart meters but said that the smart meters already installed in homes and offices are still being used.

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