
Police Inspector Li’o Fa’ataumalama Appeals Termination



Terminated Police Inspector Li'o Fa'ataumalama Auava with Police Commissioner Auapaau Logoitino Filipo in 2023

By Lagi Keresoma/

Apia, SAMOA – 13 June 2024 – Terminated Police Inspector Li’o Fa’ataumalama Auava has filed an appeal against the Police Tribunal decision to terminate him.

The Tribunal panel consisted of three senior police officers who heard the charges brought by the Commissioner of Police who also gave evidence.

Inspector Li’o faced 5 charges and was found guilty on three while police officer Henifa Bryce was found guilty on one. The Tribunal decision to terminate them was upheld and delivered by the Deputy Commissioner Lafaitele Herbert Aati last week.

The charges stemmed from the pair conducting an unauthorized investigation into the still unresolved hit and run case that killed a university student at Vaitele in April 2021.

The Tribunal found the pair to be negligent, failed to report and breached police ethics.

Inspector Li’o filed his appealed yesterday and now awaits a court mention day to schedule when the appeal will be heard.




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