
MP to provide proof of allegations in 48 hours



Safata 1 Member of Parliament Lea’ana Ronnie Posini speaking in parliament.

By Lagi Keresoma/

Apia, SAMOA – 19 June 2024 – Opposition Member of Parliament Lea’ana Ronnie Posini has 48 hours to provide evidence on the allegations he made against the Minister of Agriculture, La’aulialemalietoa Leuatea Polataivao.

The order was made after the Speaker confirmed from the Hansard the words “Ia o le a e oso la lafi mai tua o tagata nei issued by Leaana towards the Minister.

The words were spoken by the MP directed at Laauli that the Minister was behind accusations made by some overseas based Samoan media alleging the (Samoan) Judiciary was corrupt.

The MP then went on to say that the same is done by Cabinet Ministers running down the Prime Minister, the Speaker, the Ministry of police and Cabinet running itself down.

E toe fa’aleaga lava e le Kapeneta le Kapeneta,” said Leaana.

Laauli then took the floor and reminded Leaana that such words and accusations only create tension.

He also reminded Leaana of the freedom of expression and if it has affected his feelings, he has the legal right to act.

Laauli also asked Leaana to provide proof of what he said that “toe fa’aleaga lava e le kapena le kapenta.” But Leaana accused Laauli of twisting his words.

Leana then said “Ia o le a e oso la lafi mai tua o tagata nei” implicating that Laauli was behind it.

The Minister of Health, Valasi Tafito Togamana intervened and said that the MP’s speech was nothing but creating division.

“Fua se tapu o au lauga, na o le  su’e misa ae leai se mea taua o iai,” said Valasi.

On the issue of running down the Judiciary and accusing them of corrupt, Valasi said as the FAST Government was trying to take her rightful place as the Government of the day, it was the HRPP that criticised and accused the Judiciary as corrupt.

Valasi then moved a motion for Leaana to provide evidence to prove his accusations against words against Laauli.

Rather than putting the question on the motion, the Speaker called for the morning break while the Clerk of the House check the Hansard for the exact words issued by Leaana.

After the break, the Speaker confirmed the words and put the question which was supported.

Leaana has until Friday to provide proof of the allegations he made against Laauli and for parliament to make a decision if proof is provided or not.

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