
Lawyer Lodges Complaint Against Police for Allegedly Assaulting her Client



By Lagi Keresoma/

Apia, SAMOA – 09 July 2024 – Lawyer Unasa Iuni Sapolu has lodged a complaint against the alleged assault of her client, Samuelu (Sam) Su’a by police.

Unasa told Talamua that the alleged incident happened on 20 June at the holding cell at the court house at Mulinuu after Samuelu appeared in Court.

Unasa is concerned for her client’s safety hence her persistent argument for him to be released on bail.

“He (Sam) has health issues and to be treated like this is inhumane,” she said.

Samuelu’s and his wife were both in custody since February 2024 until the wife was release on strict bail conditions last month.

Sam was however refused bail and the bail hearing is rescheduled for 05 August 2024.

However, Unasa’s claim was refuted by a Police Inspector who leads the police contingent at the court.

He said after Samuelu’s court appearance that day, he was escorted to the cell to await transfer back to the Tanumalala prison, but he wanted time with his wife and family but was not given.

The Inspector said that inside the custodian cell, Sam started “throwing himself around the cell and hitting the wall.”

The Inspector also said that if there were any wounds on the accused, then they were self-inflicted.

Unasa however said the incident did happen and she would use it to further push for her clients release on bail hearing next month.

Samuelu and his wife are facing various charges including giving police misleading information and relate to the unresolved hit and run case at Vaitele in April 2021.

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