Cancer Information Corners Displays at Savaii District Hospitals

Cancer & Health Information Corner at Fualalo District Hospital.
APIA, SAMOA – 01 MARCH 2021: When the Savaii community visit any of the district hospitals on the big island today, they may notice a new feature display added to the outpatient waiting area. A sign on top of the display in Samoan beckons “Faamatalaga e uiga I le gasegase o le kanesa & soifua maloloina i Samoa.” Translated to ‘Cancer & Health Information Corner’, the pilot project—that has seen for the first time the availability of cancer related and health brochures, booklets and flyers out in the community—is an initiative of the Samoa Cancer Society (SCS).
The “Cancer & Health Information Corner” project aims to strengthen the knowledge base within village communities by way of improving the visibility, availability and sustainability of information provision in the heart of communities to further engage them with cancer awareness programs.
SCS CEO, Su’a John Ryan says, “we continue to seek innovative ways to enhance existing awareness programs and dissemination of information to tackle the lack of information access throughout Samoa especially for people living in rural areas who are most at risk or who may not have sought information about cancer otherwise”.

Cancer & Health Information Corner at Tuasivi Hospital.
A letter of partnership support from Director General of Ministry of Health Leausa Dr Take Naseri encouraged the SCS to submit this pilot project proposal for funding with the Australian High Commission’s Direct Aid Program (DAP), a small grants program designed to support local community groups and organizations. A fund total of $10,000 was approved in July 2020 to assist the SCS with implementing this project. However due to COVID-19 State of Emergency restrictions and severe weather conditions towards the end 2020, SCS was only just able to successfully complete the installation of these centers early this month.
The Australian High Commissioner, Her Excellency Sara Moriarty applauded the efforts of the SCS supported through Australia’s DAP, saying: “the initiative is a collaborative effort that complements the sustainable development goals of ‘good health and well-being’ of the people of Samoa. I applaud SCS on taking proactive approaches towards preventative care in the community by encouraging the sharing of information resulting in more health conscious villages.”
The Cancer & Health Information Conors have been set up in Fualalo, Sataua, Safotu and Tuasivi district hospitals. The Samoa Cancer Society has also managed to set up similar centres in the Lufilufi and Leulumoega District Hospitals and hopes to expand the project to all district hospitals in Upolu as funds become available.