Former LTC Judge Challenges Judiciary Commission’s Decision

Former Lands and Titles Court Judge, Nanai Ioane Pologa.
By Lagi Keresoma
APIA, SAMOA – 19 MARCH 2021: A former Judge of the Lands and Titles Court, Nanai Ioane Pologa has challenged the Judiciary Service Commission’s decision that terminated his service last year.
The matter has been called twice in chambers before Justice Lesatele Rapi Vaai.
The Court Registrar, Moliei Vaai could not release the grounds of the challenge but did confirm that it was against the Judiciary decision and other circumstances surrounding the matter.
Nanai filed the challenge last year and the Attorney General office recruited the services of a private law firm to handle the matter on their behalf.
This is because the Attorney General had a conflict of interest as he was in the Judiciary board that made the decision, according to the Registrar.
Early this week, the Court accepted the private law firm’s application to withdraw from handling the matter and it is now back with the AG’s office.
Nanai’s service was terminated along with two other Judges of the Lands and Titles Court after a complaint over a decision on a land dispute.
Nanai and one of the Judges were immediately terminated while the other served his term to the end of last year.
The matter has been adjourned next week for mention.