Human Rights Protection Party Upholds Preservation of Tradition

HRPP Leader Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi addressing the party members at yesterdays launch at the party headquarters.
By Lagi Keresoma
APIA, SAMOA – 19 MARCH 2021: The Human Rights Protection Party (HRPP) launched its Election manifesto on the theme “To Preserve Tradition.”
The manifesto was launched at the party headquarters at Petesa, Mulinu’u yesterday and in Savaii this morning.
The party also launched 113 of its candidates for the upcoming general election.
HRPP leader, caretaker Prime Minister Tuilaepa Lupesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi highlighted the party’s motto “What is good for Apia is also good for the whole country.”
HRPP came into power in 1982 and except for 1985-1987, they have been the Government of the day since.
Tuilaepa highlighted the party’s achievements in the past 40 years on health, education, human development, more working opportunities and more developments in the pipeline for the next 5 years.
“If you make the wrong choice in selecting honest leaders to develop Samoa, what we have today can easily be destroyed within months, so I ask you to maintain a Government that is peaceful, so therefore, do not be negligent in choosing in maintaining this Government,” said Tuilaepa.

The party supporters at yesterday’s launch.
Some of the highlights of HRPP Government
- Construction of school buildings
- Upgrading of district hospital with 12 permanent doctors for each hospital.
- $10 million coverage for medical scheme for New Zealand and India,
- 87 access road at 50 districts worth ST$90 million,
- Upgrading of bridges and water drainages,
- Installing of electrical generators, solar panels and biomass project,
- Development of the water system,
- Upgrading of the telecommunication system and
- Increasing of agricultural export produce and scholarship opportunities.
Projects in the pipeline for the next 5 years
- Establishment of the Vaiusu wharf and upgrading of Salelologa, Mulifanua and the Aleipata wharf,
- Referral Health Centre,
- New hospital at Salelologa,
- Airline and helicopter service to cater for patients between the two islands,
- A new township in the western side of Upolu and
- Aviation school and construction of more reservoir tanks for water catchment.

Some of the HRPP election candidates.
Some of HRPP highest achievement is the establishment of the National University of Samoa (NUS) and the Oceania University of Medicine (OUM).
“HRPP does not dwell on its honorary status but rather they are ‘untitled’ men ready to serve any call from the country,” he said.
“If you want to be first-follow, and if you want to lead-serve,” said Tuilaepa.
The launch was attended by HRPP supporters and well-wishers for the return of the party to lead the country come next month’s general elections.