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Former Police Officer in Custody & Faces Defamation Charges



Police car image

By Lagi Keresoma

APIA, SAMOA – 07 APRIL 2021:  A former police officer, Paepaetele Ernest Betham has been charged with defamation following the claims he made against the former Deputy Speaker, and former Deputy Commissioner of Police, Nafo’itoa Tala’imanu Keti.

He claimed that Nafo’i had committed an offence against a female police officer sometime in 2006 or 2007.

He also claimed that the top police officers at the time of the alleged offence knew about it but was not investigated.

The former officer made the claims during an interview two weeks ago on the EFKS TV Talk programme, Lauao Sinasina, where guests talk about their life stories, achievements and public service.

Paepaetele said on the programme that he struggled with the issue for a long time and he prayed for an answer and only then that he decided to talk and “reveal the truth.”

Police told Talamua that the former officer was given a chance to provide proof of his claim. However, he has not provided any hence the move to charge him.

Police also said Paepaetele resisted arrest and tried to avoid police when they went to arrest him.

He was later arrested, and charged and is in police custody until he appears in Court for mention in two weeks’ time.

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