2021 General Elections
Tautua Party Leader agrees to withdraw election petition after meeting with district

Tautua Party Leader, Afualo Luagalau Dr. Uti Salele.
By Lagi Keresoma
APIA, SAMOA – 03 MAY 2021: The leader of the Tautua Samoa party, Afualo Luagalau Dr. Uti Salele has agreed to withdraw his election petition against the Salega No1 elected Member of Parliament, Fepulea’i Fa’asavalu Faimata. This was reached after Afualo met with the representatives of the district in Apia this morning.
The decision was relayed to the media by Tuisalega Fualau Fu’a and Afualo Niue representing the district.
There were four candidates contesting one seat which was held by the Human Rights Protection Party, candidate To’amata Aki and Fepulea’i Fa’asavalu Faimata of the Fa’atuatua ile Atua Samoa ua Tasi party was duly elected.
Tuisalega told the media that the district blessed them before the general election and informed them, to accept whatever the district’s decision through the ballot.
“We were surprised when we heard that Afualo had filed a petition against Fepulea’i, so we decided to travel to Apia to meet with Afualo,” said Tuisalega.

The chiefs of Salega 1 district, Tuisalega Fualau Fu’a (Faiaai), Luai Taulua (Fagafau) and Afualo Niue (Samata-tai).
He said they had a good meeting earlier today and Afualo had accepted the districts request to withdraw his petition.
Speaking to the media later, Afualo confirmed the meeting and that he told the district that he will inform the members of the Tautua Samoa party later today, and as the matter is already in Court, he will also have to inform his lawyer tomorrow.
He believed he had been robbed of his win, and that prompted him to file a petition against Fepulea’i.
“However, it is very hard for me to say differently to the elderly chiefs of the district and I do not want to go against their request,” said Afualo.
There are five sub-villages of Salega 1 district that includes Fai’a’ai, Samata-tai, Samata-uta, Fagafau and Fogatuli,
The district representatives later met with their MP elect, Fepulea’i Fa’asavalu Faimata about what has been reached.
There are 28 election petitions altogether filed against successful candidates of both parties and they have until next Tuesday to lodge counter claims.

The Salega No.1. MP elect, Fepulea’i Fa’asavalu Faimata (far left) with members of his district.