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Is the country’s Head of State’s safety really at risk?



Police checking the two buses at the gate of the Head of States residence at Vailele this morning.

By Lagi Keresoma

APIA, SAMOA -19 MAY 2021: Two buses and several utility vehicles loaded with members of the Matautu, Falelatai village called on the Head of State at his residence at Vailele this morning with the intention to take him and his wife back to the village “to be under their protection.”

According to the village spokesperson, Nanai Lupematasila Fa’amanu Ivara, the village was concerned about the safety of the Head of State, Tuimaleali’ifano Va’aleto’a Sualauvi 11 who is their paramount chief.

“The rude comments and posts on social media against the Tama Aiga by supporters of the other political party are hurtful and the village feels that too,“ Nanai told the media.

Nanai said the rude comments threatens the safety of the Head of State which has stopped him from attending his normal routine activities such as attending last week’s meeting of the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa, and attending the funeral of a family member in the village yesterday.

He said Government has installed tight security for the Tama Aiga and his wife and the village feels that they need to move and bring him back to Matanofo, Falelatai where he would be safe under their protection.

“Here (Matanofo), we can protect and serve him knowing that he is under our care,” said Nanai.

The village spokesperson, Nanai Lupematasila Fa’amanu Ivara.

The busloads of mainly the matais of Matautu village, arrived at the Head of States residence at 9.30 this morning. Already there to greet them were the CEO of the Ministry of the Prime Minister and the Police Commissioner.

After security checks by police at the main gate, the delegation was allowed inside.

After meeting with the government representatives, the delegation headed back to Falelatai where Nanai Lupematasila Fa’amanu Ivara spoke to the media.

Asked what the Head of State said in response, Nanai said “nothing.”

It was the Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of the Prime Minister, Agafili Shem Leo and Police Commissioner Fuiavailili Egon Keil that assured the village that the Head of State was safe and secure at his Vailele residence.

“We have seen the security and we trust their words,” he said.

Falelatai is made up of the four sub villages of Matautu, Matanofo, Siufaga and Pata, but only Matautu was involved in today’s visit.

When asked why the other sub-villages were not part of the visit, Nanai said there was no time to inform them of their intention, but “what we do they support.”

Falelatai chiefs

The village spokesperson, Nanai Lupematasila Fa’amanu Ivara with some of the village chiefs talking to the media at their village this morning.

Not to interfere with Head of States political duties
Nanai also denied reports that suggested the village advising the Head of State not to sign the writ to convene Parliament as not true.

“We do not have the right to interfere with the Tama Aiga’s political duties or any decision of the Government,” he said.

“If and when he needed our advice, then perhaps, but again, what do we know about politics?” he said.

Within half an hour of the villages arrival at the Head of States residence, the caretaker Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi issued a live statement on television and other media asking the country to remain calm.

He said that he had been advised by the police about the village’s delegation at the Head of States residence, expressing concern about his safety. He then reassured both the Falelatai village delegation and the country that the Head of State is safe under the police security.

Tuilaepa also referred to the political events currently facing the country and implied “the tension started six months ago, something we are not used to. And why?” he asked.

He did not mention anyone or a political party in particular then said “each one of us has an answer.”

Tuilaepa is appealing the decision of the Supreme Court issued last Monday that declared void the appointment of the sixth woman parliamentarian and now gives the FAST party a one seat majority.

The move is seen as another attempt to delay a meeting of parliament to form a new government as Tuilaepa desperately clings on to power.

Back at Matautu

Back at Matautu, Falelatai.


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