POLITICAL IMPASSE: Fiame determined to pursue the rule of law

Prime Minister elect, Fiamē Naomi Mata’afa determined to pursue the rule of law for as long as it will take.
Staff Reporters
APIA, SAMOA – 08 JUNE 2021: Samoa’s political stalemate has hit rock bottom and the Prime Minister elect, Fiamē Naomi Mata’afa said yesterday afternoon’s talks between the FAST Party and HRPP Leaders have reached an impasse.
“I wish to issue this statement to let the country know of where we are at this time,” Fiamē said in a press statement.
Fiamē, maintains that FAST holds the majority of 26 seats to HRPP’s 25 seats following the 9 April general elections and the FAST Members were sworn in on 24 May 2021 – the last of the forty five days stipulated under the Constitution for Parliament to meet after the general election. A Speaker and Deputy Speaker were elected and as Prime Minister, she appointed a Cabinet ready to govern the country.
The HRPP Leader, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi is saying that Parliament cannot convene as the 10 per cent of 51 members or 6 women representatives in the House is not achieved.
Fiamē however clarifies that the Court of Appeal has already ruled on this matter and the appointment of the 6th woman member has already been declared void and the decision says the sixth woman member can only be determined after the election petitions now in progress in court.
Fiamē believes the Appeal Court decision is not retrospective and can only be for future elections as the writ of appointment of the elected members was given under the hand of the Head of State dated 16 April 2021.
After yesterdays’ meeting, Fiamē said the FAST Caucus was meeting to discuss the outcome of yesterdays’ talks and will inform the public on any new developments.
Determined to pursue the rule of law
In a separate live stream broadcast last night, she assured the country and supporters both locally and overseas, that she and the FAST Party were determined to stay the course and pursue the rule of law so that the legally elected government will be installed as the voters had decided through the general election.
“We come this far in our journey and there is no way we will give up now as we have been pursuing the rule of law from right after the election results were announced and efforts were thrown in to confuse and delay the process of forming a newly elected government,” said Fiamē.
“What is clear is that this caretaker government is doing everything to cling onto power and that they do not want to leave or relinquish power,” she said.
“Now Tuilaepa is singing about the rule of law when he had been contemptuous and ridiculed the Judiciary in his and the caretaker governments actions to block and delay the formation of a new government,” said Fiamē.
She again asked for the country’s continuing support and prayers and for their patience as “it may take time to amicably resolve the current impasse so as to serve the best interests of the Samoan people, our democracy and the rule of law.”