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1,057 Covid-19 Active Community Cases Confirmed



Vaccinating child in Manono tai
A child gets vaccinated on Manono Island.

APIA, SAMOA – 27 MARCH 2022: Samoa has recorded its highest number of Covid-19 active community cases so far with 1,057 cases according to the latest Health figures dated 26 March 2022.

It is the highest number of cases since the first community case was announced ten days ago, Thursday 17 March.

The Ministry of Health confirmed 216 new community cases as at 2.00pm, Saturday 26 March 2022.

There are 1,028 cases confirmed in Upolu and 29 in Savaii. The islands of Manono and Apolima remain covid-19 free.

Of the 1,057 confirmed community cases recorded, 1,040 remain active cases. There are six cases in the Isolation Ward, no cases in ICU and no Covid-19 related death.

Community cases by Gender:
• 57% of confirmed cases are female
• 43% are male.

A total of 16,019 RATs have been administered to date.

Community Cases by age group

Covid Summary 25 March 22