Counsel asks for a Psychiatrist’s opinion on client

By Lagi Keresoma
APIA, SAMOA – 21 JUNE 2022: Counsel Alex Su’a has asked the Court to allow a further two weeks adjournment so he could obtain a psychiatrist’s opinion on his client Ikenasio Viliamu.
Ikenasio is jointly charged with Liliko Asini on arson and assault following the burning down of the Mutiatele village mayor’s house last month.
The prosecution had finalized the charges however; Su’a told the Court that his client may have mental issues hence his application for a report from a specialist.
He informed the Court that his client seemed to be oblivious of what he tried to explain and especially when he explained the charges.
“He seemed confused and did not understand the charges no matter how often I explained,” said Su’a.
The Court granted Alex’s application and adjourned the matter to 4 July 2020 without pleas from the accused.
Both accused are under the same bail conditions of surrendering all travel documents to the Court Registrar.