Are there still existing records for the Forensic Audit Investigation – Tuilaepa

By Lagi Keresoma
APIA, SAMOA – 09 JULY 2022: Samoa’s longest serving Prime Minister leading the HRPP Government for 22 years, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi has questioned the existence of records to assist the special team that the Government will appoint to perform a forensic audit investigation on a number of major development projects carried out under his leadership.
Tuilaepa smiled and shrugged off the idea of the forensic audit investigation when asked on one of his live-streamed media conferences about the Government’s move to conduct a forensic audit investigation.
“What are they going to investigate? Are there records available or still in existence for such a purpose, “he responded.
He said (official) records have a time span before they are destroyed “and we are talking 40 years back.”
The forensic audit investigation was raised by the Minister of Finance, Mulipola Anarosa Molio’o in Parliament when she responded to issues raised by the Members during the 2022/2023 Budget debate where $500,000 is allocated to cover the costs of the investigation.

The Minister of Finance, Mulipola Anarosa Ale-Molioo speaking in Parliament.
Opposition Deputy Leader, Member of Parliament for Anoama’a 2, Fonotoe Pierre Lauofo wanted to know what issues and projects will targeted by the investigation was targeting, but the Minister said it would take her the whole day to name the list.
She then named the Tiavea Airport which remains incomplete and has cost up to $20m talā and the project has been halted by the new government.
When the idea of the forensic audit was first floated, a former Cabinet Minister now in the Opposition offered his services as an auditor saying it would be cheaper for the country.
The Investigative & Forensic Audit was approved by Cabinet on 18 May 2022 and is divided into two phases
Phase One of the of the investigation targets:
* Tiavea Airport Project
* Stimulus Package $50 for National ID
* Sheraton Hotel & Bungalow, Apia Beach Road
* Samoa Airways Aircraft Lease
* Prisons at Tanumalala (Upolu) and Vaiaata (Savaii)
* Samoa National Provident Fund Headquarters in Salelologa
* New Electoral Office (Upolu)
* Samoa National Broadband Highway & School-Net Project
* Underground Cabinet Network Arrangement (Ministry of Communication Information & Technology)
* Satitoa Port/Wharf
* Nafanua Patrol boat incident
* Tax Invoice Monitoring System (TIMS)
* Ministry of Works Infrastructure & Transport computer purchase
* Implementation of Samatau & Falelatai electricity project during the election campaign from 2019 to 2020
* Endorsement of Government funds under the Civil List Act for the Prime Minister, Cabinet and Chief Justice by the previous Government
* Implementation of Unforeseen and Unauthorized funds
* Tenders process by the Lands & Transport Authority (LTA), Ministry of Works Infrastructure & Transport (MWIT) & Ministry of Communication Information & Technology (MCIT)

The new Samoa National Provident Fund office at Salelologa, Savaii while under construction and yet to be opened, will also be investigated.
Phase Two investigation focus on the following:
* Measles – Government donor partners funds
* COVID_19 – Funds and Aid
* Investigate & reassess Ministries policies and financial situations
* Investigate and review the Ministries and Corporations who deal with Government finance
The investigation will be led by the Ministry of Finance to be assisted by the CEOs and Senior officials of the Audit Office, Ministry of Public Enterprises, Samoa Law Society to assist the contractor when required.