Walter Fraser appointed USP inaugural Chief Operating Officer

APIA, SAMOA – 16 NOVEMBER 2022: At its 94th meeting on 10th and 11th November in Apia, The University of the South Pacific (USP) Council appointed Mr Walter Fraser as the University’s inaugural Chief Operating Officer (COO).
Mr Fraser has expertise in strategic change leadership and operational service delivery with over 30 years of experience in the tertiary education sector in New Zealand and the Pacific, with the last 20 years at senior management and executive level.
Mr Fraser will join USP from Auckland University of Technology (AUT) where he has been Assistant Vice-Chancellor for its South Campus in Manukau. Prior to his appointment at AUT, Mr Fraser was Director of the Centre for Pacific Studies and the Director of Pacific Strategy and Engagement at The University of Auckland. Mr Fraser was also Registrar at USP from 2001 to 2009.
In addition to his extensive experience in the tertiary sector, Mr Fraser brings a deep understanding of Pacific affairs and cultures given his previous experience working in our region and within USP’s complex governance and organisational structure.
On his appointment, Mr Fraser said, “I acknowledge that we stand on the shoulders of great Pacific leaders who had the foresight and fortitude to set up this invaluable institution as their legacy for our region. As a proud alumnus, I look forward to contributing to the on-going development of USP so that our future generations will also look back and remember us as responsible guardians of this legacy.”
The University congratulates Mr Fraser on his appointment and looks forward to his service to the University. He will take up the appointment in January 2023.