Unlicensed boy driver charged for running over a sleeping passenger

By Talaia Mika
APIA, SAMOA – 22 NOVEMBER 2022: A 16 year old boy has been charged for negligent driving when he drove a heavy duty truck and ran over a male passenger who was sleeping underneath the truck while exiting the vehicular ferry at the Salelologa wharf.
The Deputy Police Commissioner, Papalii Monalisa Tia’i Keti told Talamua that the driver is unlicensed.
Papalii said the boy moved the truck when the boat arrived at the Salelologa wharf last Friday and was unaware of a passenger who was sleeping underneath the truck.
The deceased is 44 years old. The boy will appear in court on 5 December and is remanded on bail.
Police are continuing their investigations into this incident.
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