Vaa o Fonoti Member of Parliament resigns from HRPP

Staff Reporters
APIA, SAMOA – 25 NOVEMBER 2022: The Member of Parliament for Vaa o Fonoti, Mau’u Siaosi Pu’epu’emai, has resigned from the Human Rights Protection Party.
Mau’u handed in his resignation to the Party Leader, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi this morning.
Representing one of the most isolated constituencies located at the Fagaloa Bay with its mountainous and difficult terrain, Mau’u referred to difficulties faced by his constituents daily with poor roads and the serious threat of sea level rise.
The first time MP said he won the confidence of his constituents in the vision that he would help mitigate the daily difficulties posed by their isolation. These he addressed in his maiden speech last year and now almost two years later, nothing has been done.
He told the party leader, that he took time in reaching his decision as he had often been asked by his constituents and even the church leaders in his constituency, to consider his options as his party affiliation will not achieve anything to meet the urgent needs of his constituency.
He emphasized that he has taken this path to prioritize the long standing needs of his constituents against his own choices as he promised the constituency that he will work to improve their daily lives by addressing the basic longstanding needs such as road access to some of the remote villages in the Fagaloa Bay.
In tendering his resignation from HRPP, he said that he will now become an Independent Member of Parliament.
Mau’u Siaosi Pu’epu’emai is a young and colourful self-made businessman who founded the popular Georgies’ Pizzeria, a car rental business and kava supply chain from the traditional crop that is particular to Fagaloa.
Mau’u is the third HRPP Member of Parliament to resign this month as the Party leader and secretary remain suspended from parliament after being convicted of contempt of parliament and contempt of court.
While Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi is adamant to remain as leader, their convictions may affect their eligibility to run in future elections.