New Electoral Commissioner appointed

APIA, SAMOA – 19 DECEMBER 2022: Cabinet has appointed Tuiafelolo Alexander John Stanley as the new Electoral Commissioner of the Office of the Electoral Commission.
Tuiafelolo has worked in Government in various capacities for 30 years that included the Public Service Commission, National Health Services, the Labour Department and lately as Manager Corporate Governance with the Electric Power Corporation before his appointment to head the Electoral Office.
He has excellent skills in human resource management as well as in corporate planning, including setting goals and identifying clear and practical activities to achieve the goals.
He had a thorough understanding of the Electoral Act 2019 and related legislation, as well as the need for the Electoral Office to make independent decisions.
Tuiafelolo Alexander John Stanley holds a Master in Business Administration in Management and Public Administration, a Diploma in Public Sector Management, and Diploma in Education.
His appointment is for five years.