Witness identify Perkins as the Admin of the Salote Syrah Tautai Facebook Accounts

By Lagi Keresoma
APIA, SAMOA – 23 MARCH 2023: The fourth police witness in the current defamation case against a US based Samoan woman, Perkins Feagiai Headly, has identified her (Perkins) as the administrator of the Salote Syrah Tautai Facebook account.
The comments posted on Perkins and Salote Facebook pages are the centre of the defamation case lodged by the Faatuatua ile Atua Samoa ua Tasi Party.
The witness, Vui Sione Masinamua who is currently in New Zealand for medical check, gave evidence today via zoom connection.
He told the Court that he knows Perkins well and are related through their family connections at Vaito’omuli, Palauli.
They came to know of each other back in 2014.
Vui was the proprietor of the Le Foafoa Samoa Radio in Australia and Perkins was one of the people that posted comments on the radio’s Talk Show.
He has since retired from radio and moved to Samoa but last year, he went back to Australia and stayed for five months.
While in Australia, he visited the radio studio and ended up hosting a live broadcast where he noted a new name, Salote Syrah Tautai appearing in the list of people who commented on his live broadcast.
Vui posted hello and welcomed Salote onboard.
“I got a text on messenger then that said ‘Uncle, it’s me Perkins.”
Vui responded, “Makua kele fo’i au pages,” and Perkins said something about being afraid.

Witness Vui Sione Masinamua.
Perkins arrived in Samoa in August last year and before she was detained under a Court order, she posted on Facebook about her being a US citizen and her rights and she took a photo of herself from inside the US Embassy in Samoa and posted it.
Vui told the court that he responded to Perkins post.
“If you believe you cannot be arrested and charged, then stay inside the Embassy, because as soon as you leave, you will be subject to the laws of Samoa,” said Vui.
“Afai ete manatu e le mafai ona molia oe, ia nofo ai ina ile Embassy, aua o le taimi lava ete alu ese ai, ua e afaina loa i le tulafono o eleele a Samoa.”
He said the last time he met and spoke to Perkins was when he noted a car in-front of his house and saw Perkins got out of the car and he wanted to know what she was doing there.
He also reminded Perkins that she should not speak to him as he was one of the witnesses against her.
According to Vui’s testimony, Perkins asked if he was still testifying against her and Vui said there was nothing wrong with arguments on issues and what one believes in, but when it comes to the law, then that is a different matter.
Different names on Facebook
The Court noted from Vui’s testimony that Perkins goes by various names on Facebook and named the following:
Tuifaasisina Perkin Tauvao
Perkins Feagiai Headly
Salote Syrah Tautai
Pekiga Tauvao
The evidence for the 25 charges of defamation against Perkins presented in Court, are posted under the names Perkin and Salote. Out of the four witnesses who have already given evidence, Vui is the first to make the connection between Perkins and Salote.
Judge PAlalatoa Rosela Papalii then asked Vui to identify the person he referred to as Perkin. However, due to lighting issues in the courtroom and other technical difficulties, the witness could not properly identify the person he was referring to on zoom.
The judge then postponed the case to tomorrow to when the witness can be available.
The defense counsel has yet to cross examine the witness.