Va’a o Fonoti Presents By-election Candidate to FAST Party

By Lagi Keresoma
APIA, SAMOA – 21 JULY 2023: The Vaa o Fonoti district has presented Mau’u Siaosi Pu’epu’emai to the Faatuatua ile Atua Samoa ua Tasi – FAST party as their candidate in the districts by-election.
The districts to’oto’o, Alofipo Aumua spoke on behalf of the district and informed the FAST Party of the district’s intention for their candidate to run under the FAST banner.
FAST Chairman Laaulialemalietoa Leuatea Poalataivao Schmidt acknowledged the districts intention and accepted their candidate.
He noted that it was not easy for Mau’u to switch parties and told the district to be cautious not to create situations where they could end up in court after the by-election.
He reminded them of the Vaimauga 3 by-elections early this year where FAST candidate Lautimuia Uelese Vaai won but had to go through an election petition.
After the 2021 general elections, not only were there election petitions, but there were also private prosecutions filed against alleged bribery and treating of voters.
“The enemy never sleeps and we put our faith in you Vaa o Fonoti,” the FAST Chairman warned.

FAST Party members with the by election candidate and members of the Vaa o Fonoti districts delegation.
Alofipo used the occasion to push the districts gravest needs which is its poor roads asking the Government for help.
It is an issue that Mau’u had been pushing in his speeches in Parliament.
Laauli acknowledged Alofipo’s plea and asked him to have faith in the Government.
The date of the by-election has yet to be announced as three constituencies will hold by-elections after their MPs consented to go back to the voters ending a legal challenge by the Speaker before the Court.
Mau’u and MPs for Faleata 4 and Siumu were elected under the Human Rights Protection Party flag in the April 2021 general elections but resigned in November 2022 having voiced discontent with the party’s leadership.