Japan hands over safe house for Apolima Island residents

APIA, SAMOA – 30 AUGUST 2023: The ninety residents of Apolima Island now have a safe house that stands as a symbol of support and cooperation between Japan and Samoa in fostering resilience against climate change and natural disasters.
The project was funded with a grant of USD176, 878 (approximately SAT468, 000) through Japan’s Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGP).
Japan’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Samoa, H.E. Mr. SENTA Keisuke handed over the new community safe house yesterday (29 August) to the Village Council in the presence of the community members and distinguished guests.

Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Mr. SENTA Keisuke with members of Apolima Island community.
The safe house is equipped with one large room, two small rooms, a storage area, a kitchen, four toilets and shower rooms and a 3.5kilolitre water supply structure stands ready to provide refuge during unpredictable natural disasters such as tropical cyclones.
The safe house is funded under Japan’s GGP programme that embodies Japan’s commitment to fostering human security and addressing the specific needs of communities since its inception in 1991. Since then, a total of 224 projects have been completed at the total value of approximately SAT42,000,000.

Skyview of the houses and the environment on Apolima island.