A’ana Alofi 3 given a week to sort out $1m District Development issues

By Lagi Keresoma
Apia, Samoa – 23 October 2023: The A’ana Alofi 3 district has been given a week to sort out the internal issues with their district council members handling their $1 million development project before the Government steps in.
The Minister for Women, Community & Social Development, Mulipola Anarosa Ale-Molio’o who is the Chairperson of the $1 Million District Development Projects Steering Committee said A’ana Alofi 3 is one of the last three districts that have their projects stalled due to internal issues.
The other districts are Lepa that have apologized for breaching the Funding Agreement guidelines they signed and are now awaiting the review by the Steering Committee for a way forward.
The third district is Faasaleleaga 5 that is meeting with the Steering Committee in Salelologa, Savaii this morning.
The Steering Committee met with A’ana Alofi 3 district last week to sort out the issue with their Deputy Chairperson that the Council removed from the council after she was banned from her village.
The stand-off between Deputy Chairperson and other council members had prolonged and delayed the process for the district’s development and several members believe it was fair that the Deputy Chairperson stand down.
However, others believe the deputy’s banishment had nothing to do with her being a council member of the district’s project.
Each side were given the opportunity to present their views to the Steering Committee who reminded the district council that the project is under the Ministry of Women who emphasized the importance of having the women’s voice.
“The ministry represents equality and gender balance when it comes to matters pertaining to the development of communities,” the Minister said.
The district now has one week to sort out their differences then report back to the Steering Committee.
Mulipola said the Steering Committee will not tolerate any more delays as the internal differences have delayed the projects progress and affected the wider community.
As for the district of Lepa, Mulipola said their meeting was successful and Lepa have agreed to the criteria set down in the project’s guideline after apologising for the delays.
The delays in these three districts are led by Opposition MPs including the former Prime Minister and MP for Lepa, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi who had been against the $1m District Development Project from the beginning.
One of the criteria of the Project is that it should be chaired by the district MP however, for some districts; the delay was due to the attitude of the Opposition MPs towards the Government initiative.
Mulipola emphasized that this would be the final opportunity given to the districts, otherwise, the funds would be transferred to other districts that are willing to develop their communities.
“The Steering Committee will not tolerate any more delays,” she emphasized.