Three New FAST Members of Parliament Sworn-In

By Lagi Keresoma
Apia, Samoa – 24 October 2023: Three new Members of Parliament were sworn-in by the Speaker this morning.
They are Ale Vena Ale of Faleata 4, Tu’u’u Anasi’i Leota of Siumu and Mau’u Siaosi Pu’epu’emai of Va’a o Fonoti constituencies.
The MPs for the Faatuatua ile Atua Samoa ua Tasi party bring the composition of seats in Parliament to 35 for the FAST Government and 18 for the Opposition Human Rights Protection Party.
They were first sworn-in as HRPP MPs after winning their seats in the 2021 general election.
However, unhappy with the party leadership, they resigned as HRPP members last year and prompted the Speaker to declare their seats void.
The MPs did not accept the Speakers decision and took legal action against the Speaker.
However, while the court hearing was in progress, the MPs consented to accept the Speakers decision which ended the court proceedings and a call for by-elections last month.
The MPs successfully secured their seats and were officially sworn-in today as FAST party MPs.
They voiced their acknowledged their supporters, families and friends and pledged to serve their constituencies in the best of their abilities in the remaining time for the current term.