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SUNGO to Provide Training for the 51 District Council Members



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The Minister for Women, Community & Social Development (MWCSD) Mulipola Anarosa Ale Molio'o & a SUNGO representative sign the MOU in the presence of the legal advisor.

By Lagi Keresoma/

Apia, Samoa – 7 January 2024: The Ministry of Women Community & Social Development (MWCSD) had signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Samoa Umbrella for Non-Government Organisation (SUNGO) to boost the knowledge and skills of 51 District Council Members in managing their $1 million development projects.

A Press Release issued by the Ministry highlighted the core purpose of the SAT$200,180 partnership between the Ministry and SUNGO for 12 months with the Ministry providing support under the NGO Capacity Support Program funds for the Financial Year 2023/2024.

“The primary objective of this partnership agreement is for SUNGO to develop good governance training modules for the purpose of training District Council Members to assist them in managing their responsibilities and to enhance good governance on managing the District Development Program in their own communities,” said the Release.

There are two outcome goals set down for the MOU agreement.

The first goal is to Improve Social Development and the second goal is to Diversify and Sustain the Economy of the Pathway for the Development of Samoa (PDS).

“This agreement with SUNGO also underscores a continuous commitment to advancing good governance practices and community well-being to uphold principles of accountability, gender equality and environmental consciousness.”

The Ministry has opted to utilise SUNGO based on the organizations’ capacity to provide training opportunities, information, advocacy and research to support community organisations.

“The agreement signifies a long-term partnership for the Ministry and SUNGO in promoting good governance, principles and practice in our communities through the District Development Program.”