Marist Brothers Apologize

Apia, SAMOA, 22 May 2024 – As members of the public are aware, there was an incident that occurred during the recent BSP National Schools Rugby Finals, held at St. Joseph’s College at Alafua on Friday 3rd May 2024.
The Marist Brothers’ Governance Board would like to take this opportunity, to humbly and sincerely apologise for the unruly and unacceptable behaviour that occurred at the Rugby Finals.
It is unfortunate that the poor behaviour of a few has tarnished the good image, not only of St. Joseph’s College, but also the Marist Fraternity in Samoa.
St Joseph’s College is the only remaining all boys college in Samoa. As a Marist school which promotes the Marist Spirit, high standards of sportsmanship, respect and integrity is expected. Our Governance Board acknowledges that the actions of some of our students fell short of these expectations.
We deeply regret the disruption and negative impact caused at the rugby finals, particularly when such occurred within the compound of St Joseph’s College. In addition, our Samoan culture demands that the host ensures the safety of all visitors, including those from Amoa College and supporters from Savaii.
As a consequence of this incident, St Joseph’s College has been banned from rugby, athletics and netball for 4 years.
The Principal of St Joseph’s College has taken full responsibility for the unacceptable behaviour of the students involved and has apologized in person and in writing to the Association of Secondary Principals in Samoa and to the Samoa Rugby Union CEO.
In moving forward, the Governance Board has met with the Senior Management Team of the College to come up with clear strategies and policies to ensure that such unruly behaviour is never again repeated.
The Marist Brothers Old Pupils Association are deeply saddened by these events and will also assist as much as possible by actively supporting and being involved in the reforms and corrective actions needed, so the school can move forward and strengthen the true Marist Spirit and sportsmanship.
St. Joseph’s College has a very proud history and is well known throughout Samoa for producing some of our most prominent citizens both in the public sector as well as the private sector. The Governance Board and the Marist Fraternity will not allow the actions of a few to destroy the excellent reputation of the school, and the public can be assured we will work hard to restore confidence and trust in St. Joseph’s College.
We also humbly call upon the parents, supporters and public for your patience and support as we go through these difficult times.
In the manner of Mary,
Tuatagaloa Aumua Ming Leung Wai
O le a taoto ia fa’amaene o le tai loloto ou paia Samoa o oe o le ao mamala. Ae matou te fa’atulou atu i ou paia le popo ma ou pa e le solo, mai le oneone le ufitia o le Tuimanu’a se’ia pa’ia le oneone sina i Fili ma Puletu’u na tauilo ai manū o malo. Tulou, Tulou, Tulouna lava.
A’e muamua ona matou taia le pula ma le vaiafei ma o matou asuasu atu vaimalu i pu’ega ona ose fa’afitauli sa tulai mai i le taamilosaga su’egā siamupini i le taaloga lakapi a Kolisi sa faatinoina i le Aso 3 o Me 2024, i Alafua i le malae o le Kolisi o Sagato Iosefo.
O le mea moni, ua sopoutu nisi o le fanau a’oga, ma o se lape foi lea i le Alii Felela Pule, le Vasega o Faiaoga, a’e o se fa’aletonu foi lea ole Taitaifono ma le Komiti Fa’atonu o A’oga, fa’apea le Aiga Felela Malisi i Samoa nei.
I le agaga maualalo, matou te fa’ato’ese atu ai ia i latou uma na a’afia i lena aso, aemaise le Kolisi o Amoa ma lana tapuaiga, ona o amio lē taupulea a nisi o tama a’oga mai Sagato Iosefo. E momoli atu fo’i vaimalu i pu’ega i lau tapua’iga Samoa ona o aga le tautamalii a nisi o le fanau a’oga.
O upu a le Atunu’u, o le sala a le Tautai e totogi, matou te talitonu, e aoga lenei fa’asalaga e toe poupou ai le ola a’oa’oina o le fanau, toe fa’amalosia le amio pulea ma toe tapu’e ai le Silipi Malisi o tama a’oga o le Kolisi o Sagato Iosefo, e fa’avae i le loto maualalo, le alofa ma le fa’aalo’alo.
Matou te fa’amoemoe atu i lo outou finagalo malamalama, e talia ai lenei fa’amaualaloga.
I le ava ma le migao tele.
Ona o le fautua tatalo a le Tinā Paia o Maria.
Tuatagaloa Aumua Ming Leung Wai