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Head of State Calls for Unity & Loyalty



flag hos
The Head of State, Tuimalealiifano Va’aleto’a Sualauvi 11 delivering the 62 Independence Celebrations Speech.

By Lagi Keresoma/

Apia, SAMOA – 03 June 2024 – The Head of State, Tuimalealiifano Va’aleto’a Sualauvi 11 is calling on Samoa’s unity, loyalty and determination to work together to build and develop Samoa.

It is not just unity with all sectors of the Samoan community but with regional and international partners, he said.

He said together we can achieve remarkable milestones, a stronger advance effort in safeguarding our Blue Pacific.

“Unity produces greater accomplishments for generations,” he said.

As the first Pacific island to become an independent country, he said that the sacrifices by our forefathers planted the seed for a future Samoa we now enjoy.

“This is not just a celebration but also of thanksgiving to God whom Samoa is founded on. It is the seal and fortress of our people and who protected our forefathers in their quest for sovereignty.”

The Head of State also acknowledged the support of districts, villages, ministries and the diaspora.

flag raising

The Member of the Council of Deputies, Tuiletufuga Le Mamea Ropati Mualia raising the flag to mark 62 years of Samoa’s independence.

A young boy from A’ana remembers
Tuimaleali’ifano was a young student at A’ana school who proudly marched with a group of students from Apia to Mulinu’u to participate in the first raising of the flag of a new sovereign nation.

“That was 60 years ago and at that time, I never dreamt that one day, I would be standing before you to continue the role that our esteemed Heads of State carried out so auspiciously,” he said.

He remembers the feeling of pride that overwhelmed the Samoan people and young students from the villages who were present at such a memorable celebration of freedom.

“I still treasure that memory,” he said.

A celebration in downpour
The weather was unpredictable but the saying “showers of blessings” seemed to settle comfortably upon those who turned up to be part of the 62nd celebration of Samoa’s independence.

Heavy downpour resulted in altering the program and the Independence Committee cancelled the Head of State’s inspection of the Police Guard of Honour.

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By 4.00am, schools, Ministries and organisations had already congregated at Malae o Tiafau and bad weather did not dampen their spirits as they marched proudly in the pouring rain.

The program started with the HOS declaration followed by a prayer to commence the event.

The Member of the Council of Deputies, Tuiletufuga Le Mamea Ropati Mualia raised the flag after the HOS speech followed by the police honoured guard leading the march pass.

The guest of honour for this year’s celebration includes the American Samoa Governor and his good lady and the Ulu a Tokelau and his good lady.

Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa delivered the address to officially close the celebration before the guests were treated to lunch hosted by the Government at Taumeasina Island Resort.

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