School Principals Slack Cost the Champs of Champs

By Lagi Keresoma/
Apia, Samoa – 15 August 2024 – The delay in securing Apia Park has cost this years’ Champs of Champs.
The Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Aeau Chris Hazelman confirmed at a press conference today that the Champs of Champs is cancelled.
“The reason is, the School Principals Committee that makes up the Organising Committee failed to secure the venue on time,” said Aeau.
He said the Committee just met last week and by the time they booked the park, Lakapi Samoa had already secured it for the Manu Samoa programs.
The Champ of Champs is the finale of the annual inter-schools athletics competition and is set down in the annual school calendar so there was ample time for the Committees’ preparations.
When they could not secure the venue, the Committee then tried to postpone the Champs of Champs to September however, Aeau said “no”.
He said with the Commonwealth Heads of Governments Meeting (CHOGM) in October, the Ministry is trying to accommodate all school activities within the time frame allocated.
“All school activities such as cultural days, sports and other school events should all be done by 30th August 2024, because September is a “black out period for the Ministry,” said Aeau.
Schools were also informed that internal assessments should be finished by July and school syllabus by September.
He said it is unfortunate that the highlight of the zone athletics competition is cancelled, however, priority is given to finalising schools internal assessment and syllabus.
“This is a different year because of CHOGM so we cut-off school programs and any other activities for the month of September, but continue with school exams on the 7th October, followed by a three weeks holiday,” said Aeau.
As for CHOGM, about 400 teachers and the Ministry staff will be working as auxiliary police and liaison officers for the meeting.