Diesel Oil & other Toxins to be Extracted from HMNZS Manawanui Wreckage

Apia, Samoa – 01 November 2024 – The Salvaging Company contracted by New Zealand through the New Zealand Defence Force, is now on-site to assess the HMNZS Manawanui wreckage location and coordinate the mobilization of necessary resources to extract the diesel oil and other toxins on board the vessel.
The Salvor presented their salvage plan to the Marine Pollution Advisory Committee (MPAC) yesterday.
All equipment, including the barge required for the fuel extraction, is being prepared at Whangarei, New Zealand and is expected to arrive at Apia Port around the 23rd-24th of November 2024.
The MPAC Chair, Afioga Fui Tupai Mau Simanu said the salvaging works will commence once he approves the salvage plan.
Containers Shipped Back to New Zealand
Meanwhile, the three containers that were afloat at the time of the grounding of the vessel were successfully removed from the reef and have been securely shipped back to New Zealand via the Canterbury vessel.
Significant damage to the reef was observed to have been caused by these three shipping containers through the monitoring carried out by our onsite team.
Continued Onsite Activity and Oversight
The MPAC – through the MWTI, MNRE MAF and other government agencies and in collaboration with SPREP – continues to oversee onsite activities, ensuring continued progress and environmental protection measures are in place at all times.
The Scientific Research Organization of Samoa (SROS) has submitted a comprehensive plan for testing seawater and marine species near the wreck site to monitor and determine any contamination within the affected area.
MPAC is also urging residents in the affected areas to report any debris, diesel slicks, or signs of impacted marine life to Tualamaalii Wendy Pogi at +6857708264 or email wendy.pogi@mwti.gov.ws. Photos can be sent directly to MWTI or MNRE Facebook pages with location and contact details.