Departure Prohibition Order issued on German Citizen

By Lagi Keresoma/
Apia, Samoa – 10 February 2025 – Supreme Court Justice Fepuleai Ameperosa Roma has issued a Departure Prohibition Order (DPO) on a German citizen Steve Charles for importing and possession of narcotics.
Steve Charles has entered a not guilty plea to the charges in relation to 214 gms of marijuana intercepted by Customs at the Apia Post Office 31 January 2025.
Prosecution did not oppose bail subject that strict conditions are given which include surrendering of his travel documents and a prohibition order.
The matter is adjourned to the week commencing 19th May 2025.
In a separate matter, a Chinese citizen, Liu Tao is being places under police custody until his matter is recalled next week.
The Court granted an application by the prosecution when he failed to appear in court today.
The Prosecution informed the Court that Tao has a habit of not turning up on the day of his hearing both at the District and Family Court hence the application to place him in custody at the Tanumalala Prison.