Parliament passes Constitutional Amendment by 36-16 votes

Apia, Samoa – 26 February 2025 – Parliament this morning passed a crucial constitutional amendment that impacts on Samoa’s Court structure and the three controversial bills passed in December 2020, by 36 votes to 16.
Opposition MP, Maulolo Tavita Amosa of Sagaga 3 who abstained from yesterdays vote of no confidence, voted in support of the amendment this morning.
His constituency has been embroiled in delayed court decisions due to gaps in the law that needed the constitutional amendment he supported in this mornings’ parliamentary vote.
Before the vote, the Speaker clarified that he had legal advice from the Attorney General that cleared him to vote as a representative of his constituency in a vote on a matter of a constitutional amendment. He also clarified that two-thirds majority in a 53 seat parliament is 35 MPs; rounding down the 35.33 number of parliamentary seats.
However, Opposition Leader Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, whose government instituted the laws that prompted the current constitutional amendment, argued that the only time the Speaker can vote is when there is a tie.
He also warned the Speaker that the issue may end up with a legal challenge in court as the Supreme Court has already ruled in 2021 that 10% of women MPs in a 51-seat parliament is 6 and not 5 and so 35.33 should be rounded up in a matter involving human elements.
When the question was put, 36 voted for the amendment and 16 against.
36 MPs in Support
1. Papali’i Li’o Ta’eu Masipa’u
2. Maulolo Tavita Amosa
3. Fiame Naomi Mataafa
4. Tuala Iosefo Ponifasio
5. Lautimuia Uesle Vaai
6. Olo Fiti Vaai
7. Leatinuu Wayne Sooialo
8. Valasi Tafito Togamaga
9. Faualo Harry Schuster
10. Lagaaia Tiaituau
11. Niuava Eti Malolo
12. Matatumua Vasati Pulufana
13. Seuula Ioane Tuuau
14. Mauu Siaosi Puepuemai
15. Laumatiamanu Ringo Purcell
16. Toeolesulusulu Cedric Schuster
17. Faleomavaega Dickie Tafua
18. Auapaau Mulipola Aloitafua
19. Tea Tooala Peato
20. Tagaloatele Pasi Poloa
21. Foisala Lilo Tuu
22. Fuiono Denina Critchon
23. Agaseata Tanuvasa Peto
24. Magele Sekati
25. Maiava Tito
26. Fesolai Tusiupu Tuigamala
27. Seuamuli Fasi Toma
28. Laaili Leuatea Polataivao
29. Tuuu Leota
30. Fepuleai Faimata
31. Mulipola Anarosa Ale Molioo
32. Toelupe Poumulinuku Onesemo
33. Leota Laki Lamositele
34. Manuleleua Paletasala Tovale
35. Masinalupe Makesi Masinalupe
36. Ale Vena Ale
16 MPs Against
1. Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi
2. Lauofo Fonotoe Nuafesili
3. Loau Keneti Sio
4. Lautafi Selafi Purcell
5. Faimalotoa Kika Stowers
6. Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi
7. Lenatai Tamapua
8. Peseta Vaifou Tevagaena
9. Alaiasa Sepulona Moananu
10. Sulamanaia Tauiliiili
11. Faagasealii Tago
12. Aliimalemanu Alofa Tuuau
13. Leaana Posini
14. Aiono Tile Aiono
15. Muaava Amataga Penaia
16. Lupematasila Tologata