
Vote of no confidence on amended motion adjourned to Thursday



Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa and Deputy Prime Minister Tuala Iosefo Ponifasio in consultation with the HRPP Secretary Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafo during the 2 hour parliament recess.  

By Lagi Keresoma/

Apia, Samoa – 4 Match 2025 – The Speaker has given the Opposition Leader, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi and FAST Leader, Laaulialemalietoa Leuatea Polataivao Schmidt until 1200 Wednesday to submit their amended motion of no- confidence against the Prime Minister and Cabinet before it is set for the vote on the Thursday mornings session.

The Speaker stopped Parliament proceedings this morning when Laauli, Tuilaepa and Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mataafa entered a debate regarding the process with which a motion is accepted or denied.

The heated debated prompted the Speaker to call for a two-hour recess.

When Parliament resumed at 12.00, the Speaker stated that the confusion during the morning session was due to statements and motions presented in Parliament verbally rather than in writing.

In the morning session, Prime Minister Fiame presented her points orally leading to several MPs wanting to speak which also caused disarray in Parliament’s scheduled work plan, hence the Speaker’s call for a 2-hour break.

HRPP move against FAST motion
During the debate, Tuilaepa publicly said that they do not support the FAST motion of no confidence against the Cabinet after Fiame and Laauli debated over the process the motion was presented.

Opposition Leader Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi with HRPP Secretary Lealailepule Rimoni Aiafi coming out for the 2 hour recess.

Fiame asked the Speaker for a clarification of the process and basis a motion is accepted or rejected especially when that motion Parliament has already ruled on.

She also questioned if it was appropriate to revisit the HRPP motion of the same nature which Parliament has already decided on (defeated in Parliament last Tuesday).

She then referred to an HRPP letter to FAST that said that HRPP will support the motion if FAST accepted their amendments.

FAST responded yes but subject to minor changes.

However, Fiame insisted on revisiting the HRPP motion which she said the FAST Party members voted to reject and supported Fiame but now moving a similar motion a week after.

The Minister of Police, Faualo Harry Schuster reminded the Speaker that Parliament cannot discuss or revisit a decision already passed by Parliament.

“That is the reason why I accepted the motion by the Member of Parliament for Gagaifomauga 3,” said the Speaker.

Tuilaepa confirmed their amended statement to FAST but said the minor amendments noted by FAST on HRPP’s amendment are not minor and will impact on HRPP.

He said the amendment by FAST does not corroborate with what their support is based on and stated withdrawal of their support of the FAST motion.

FAST Party Leader Laaulialemalietoa Leuatea Polataivao.

Laauli reminded the Speaker that HRPP did not follow the process when their motion of no confidence against Cabinet was presented and lost in a vote on 25 February.

He said both motions are presented in the same manner, but Fiame countered that the difference is, the HRPP motion has already been decided on.

Because Parliament was about to enter another level of argument, the Speaker adjourned Parliament for two hours and for the parties and Legislative officials to sort the matter out.

When parliament resumed, the Speaker gave HRPP and FAST leaders until 12.00 pm tomorrow, Wednesday 5 March to submit their written amended motion.

Parliament is adjourned to 0930 Thursday.

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