APIA, SAMOA – 09 MAY 2022: Yazaki Kizuna Foundation, a non-profit general incorporated foundation in Japan established by Yazaki Corporation, provides scholarships to the National University...
By Talaia Mika APIA, SAMOA – 08 MAY 2022: As Samoa celebrate Mother’s Day in thanksgiving this Sunday and a public holiday tomorrow, mothers and...
APIA, SAMOA – 07 MAY 2022: Five Gold Medals, two Silvers and one Bronze were awarded to nine of Samoa’s elite weightlifters by the Samoa Association...
By Lagi Keresoma APIA, SAMOA – 06 MAY 2022: The Congregational Christian Church of Tafitoala welcomed their new church minister, Reverend Tanuri Pesaleli and Sanaima Setu...
Staff Reporters APIA, SAMOA – 06 MAY 2022: The village of Tafua, Savaii hosted their Talomua yesterday Thursday 5th May 2022. The village farmers showcased...
Samoa Weightlifting Federation Medal Presentations for the Winners of the 2021 Oceania Senior Weightlifting Championships 6:00pm – Friday 6th May 2022 SASNOC Headquarters, Hope Street, Faleata...
By Lagi Keresoma Editors Note: We have made a correction to this story as under the sub heading Australia and New Zealand ask to slow down,...