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Covid-19 positive police officers have fully recovered



Male Police officer vaccinated
A police officer gets his jab.

By Talaia Mika

APIA, SAMOA – 06 APRIL 2022: The majority of police officers who tested positive to Covid-19 have fully recovered.

The Minister of Police, Prisons & Corrections Services, Faualo Harry Schuster told Talamua that forty-seven officers were confirmed positive as of last week.

“I can confirm that most of them have fully recovered but I’m not sure if they’ve been back to work.”

According to Faualo, one female police officer who tested positive to Covid-19 had less severe symptoms. She had a fever and was not in a condition to be isolated at the hospital.

“The heath officials recommended that she need not be isolated at the hospital but she’s getting better now,” said the Police Minister.

The police officers who tested positive were quarantined at the Vaiala Beach College and Tatiana.

Faualo also clarified that the Ministry of Police used the HRPP’s headquarters at Mulinu’u as a camp for the police officers during the lockdown and no officer who tested positive was isolated there.

Last month, the Assistant Police Commissioner Auapaau Logoitino Filipo told Talamua that the Ministry was preparing an alternative to ensure the police service is not disrupted during the lockdown should more officers tested positive.

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