Moata’a celebrate village sons & daughters success

By Talaia Mika
APIA, SAMOA – 16 SEPTEMBER 2022: Moata’a village came together on Thursday evening to honour and celebrate the recent success of some of their tamafanau – sons and daughters.
Haylani Pearl Kuruppu was crowned the Vodafone Miss Samoa 2022 last Saturday while Benjamin Solomona was named Samoan Star Search Winner 2022.
Held within the vicinity of Moata’a, the village committee and residents organized a floral parade with police escorts to highlight and acknowledge the winners’ accomplishments. The parade started at the Moata’a CCCS church then travelled slowly through the village and turned back for the concluding ceremony at the Church Hall.
Mr. Solomona was born and raised and currently resides in Moataa while Ms. Kuruppu was born and educated in Moataa before moving overseas where she entered last week’s pageant as Miss Samoa Melbourne.
The event celebrated and congratulated the pairs’ success that has had the spotlight on their village name through their achievements.
One of the Moata’a’s paramount chiefs, Asi Tuiataga Blakelock spoke on behalf of the village, acknowledged and encouraged the winners on their success.
“You have both placed Moata’a on the map with your achievements. Well done and we’re very proud to call you ours,” he said during the concluding ceremony at the Moata’a CCCS Hall.
Asi also encouraged the Star Search winner to keep moving forward with his music career, and the new Miss Samoa to stay alert and be prepared for the challenges in the coming 12 months of her reign.
“Our win, is your win Moata’a,” Ms. Kuruppu said in acknowledgement of the honour the village had publicly displayed for her and the Star Search winner.