‘Soalepule – Palemene Tutoatasi o Samoa’ is a weekly television show produced by EFKS TV. This is episode 2 aired on EFKS TV on Friday...
APIA, SAMOA – 30 JUNE 2010: The former Speaker, La’aulialemalietoa Leuatea Polata’ivao has to hand in his resignation in writing to the Speaker despite his surprise...
Faamavae Laaulialemalietoa Leuatea Polataivao, Gagaifomauga no. 3, mai le Palemene o Samoa. Fonotaga a le Palemene – Aso Lua 30 Iuni 2020, 11:30am
APIA, SAMOA – 29 JUNE 2020: Inter-Samoa ferry services will resume this Thursday as the borders with American Samoa slowly open up since the borders lock-down...
SEOUL: A South Korea-based religious group named Shincheonji Church of Jesus said that over 4,000 members of the church, who have recovered COVID-19 are willing to...
APIA, SAMOA – 28 JUNE 2020: “Bad politics need to be cleaned up in order for the Samoan people to live freely and in peace and harmony.”...
APIA, SAMOA – 28 JUNE 2020: Contributors to the Samoa National Provident Fund will have two forms of cash injections to their accounts starting Wednesday this...
“Nofotane women are disproportionately disadvantaged in all spheres of Samoan life and are subjected to unpaid employment, domestic violence and lack of awareness of their human rights.”...